Chestnut harvest …..and more

We have had a very busy time of late with the chestnut harvest,shed relocation and farm tours. Fortunately we had some excellent help from woofers', Emanuele and

polenta & kangaroo Federica from Northern Italy who where keen to learn about our farming methods and sustainable lifestyle. While they were able to experience our lifestyle and farming methods first hand we learned about chestnut forests in Northern Italy and their traditional foods, celebrations and way of life. The polenta and kangaroo is a merging of the two cultures.


They were keen to experience food from paddock to plate .Here they are preparing birds for the table a valuable experience as they wanted to provide quality food for themselves in the future.

A few new building skills never go astray.shed

Emanuele also put 26 years of rainfall records on the computer (something I planned to do one day but never got around to.) Now its easy to see patterns and trends in our rainfall patterns.

The busy pattern continues as Deb will be attending a 4 day Biodynamic trainers seminar at the end of the week.We have enlisted the help of Maggie and Bob to man the farm shop while Deb’s away.

We are still awaiting the autumn rains so the biodynamic preparations can be applied and we can experience the creeks running once more.

After that, the next couple of months will fall into a nice pattern of selling chestnuts and weekend roasting chestnuts until the cold room empties and we snuggle up for winter . Quentin calls this the ‘football and firewood season.’