Successful Heathfield Produce Share
A very succesful share occured at Nirvana Farm last Saturday.The initiative came as a way of Nirvana Organic Farm celebrating 30 years of growing bio-dynamically and living a lifestyle in tune with nature and sharing knowledge to the wider south Australian community.
What a hoot! 19 mostly very local households contributed and shared their excess produce in an amazing gesture of generosity. The range of produce was impressive from the initial response of...” oh, I’ve only got lemons “, to what overwhelmed the table capacity and the need to fetch another. Some of the produce included avocadoes, lettuce, carrots, fennel, broad beans, silverbeet, rhubarb, mustard greens ,kaffir lime leaves, lots of herbs, green tomato chutney, biscuits, brownies, preserved lemons, seville oranges, tangelos and of course lots of lemons. Perhaps next time everyone will want lemons to make Nirvana’s lemonade! But there were more goodies that required a third table. These were plants, including strawberries, boysenberries, raspberries, nettles, cardoon, borage, chestnuts, rocket, herbs, horseradish, and no doubt more, plus garden tools! We are now looking forward to our next produce share on November17th.