NIRVANA HOT ROASTED CHESTNUTS kicks off  in Stirling in the Adelaide Hills  APRIL 23rd 2018 and continues each weekend and public holiday through Autumn and into Winter.


NIRVANA Farm Shop is open daily from 10am- 4pm  You will find it 3km from Stirling exit from SE freeway.

FRESH CHESTNUTS Quality fresh nuts are now available.


CHESTNUT MEAL  is par cooked and sieved  Nirvana fresh chestnuts prepared ready to create either savoury or sweet dishes . Available in 250g and 500g frozen packets.

DRIED CHESTNUTS   can be used in most recipes calling for fresh chestnuts by covering them with water, bring to boil, turn off and soak over night. 250 gm dried chestnuts reconstitutes to approx 700gm fresh, peeled.


CHESTNUT JAM (delicious on pancakes) as well as a range of unique preserves made from produce grown at Nirvana Farm.